Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Future Lifetime Movie ~ It All Leads to This...Book Review by Frankie

It All Leads to This
By Tessa Brookfield

A Book Review
By Frankie Brazelton
7 out of 10 Muddy Crowns

Future Lifetime Movie ~ It All Leads to This

Let me begin my review by saying, politely, that Romance is not really my genre. This particular romance novel found its way into my hands, and ultimately, into my heart.

From the first few chapters, I perceived this story about Hailey Deegan and her disgraceful past to be the archetypical romance story: girl makes reprehensible decisions, attempts to start a new life, girl meets well-to-do overly handsome guy, whirlwind romance ensues, guy discovers shameful past, and they kiss and make up, then live happily ever after. My perception, however, proved to be entirely misjudged.

Yes, Brookfield’s novel is most definitely a love story, but it’s so much more. Rather than handing you a synopsis of this arresting and dramatic tale, I invite you to discover for yourself a fantasy of amorous trysts, unyielding friendship, conquered challenges and most importantly: love. Lost love, found love, and love of self. You’ll encounter more than one overtly delicious male love interest. You’ll be whisked into tantalizing sex scenes. The ending, surprisingly, will turn your world upside down and leave you crying, ugly faced, with happy tears. Yep, I’m talking Niagara fucking falls.

 Hailey Deegan is a character to inspire; champion for the wayward, proving that redemption and happiness are possible even for the most delinquent and lost among us.  

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